Are there any oceans on planet Venus? Interesting Facts

Bhumika Goel / November 2021

Venus is the second planet in our solar system. It is considered our Earth’s twin for having comparable similar size and mass. Likewise, our planet Earth, Venus too has water, atmosphere, and rocky material compositions. But the planet is not suitable for the existence of life for extreme temperature and pressure on its surface. Earlier it was considered that Venus could have been a hospitable place. A recent study by astrophysicists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Planets, Switzerland, reveals these considerations could be myths.

Astrophysicists led by Martin Turbet studied and compared the climate of the Earth and Venus. Using hi-tech three-dimensional atmospheric models, the team studied the evolution of the atmosphere on two planets. The team also researched if oceans are formed in the process.

As per the research, the climatic conditions on Venus did not allow the water vapor condensation process to happen. The formation of oceans on Venus possibility is negligible. Water is present in the form of gas on Venus and clouds thus formed cause a strong greenhouse effect.

The research also revealed that if the Earth was a little closer to the Sun, it would have experienced the same climatic condition.

Planet Venus Facts for Education
Venus facts Infographic for kids education

References: ScienceDaily

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Bhumika Goel is a technology and design thinker, a lifelong learner having a wide range of experience across WordPress development, content marketing and search engine optimization. Creative web applications, tools, and products that your customers will love and get you real business results, is something she can empower you with. She is passionate for delivering high-quality work that meets the needs and expectations of her clients. She is always eager to learn new skills and technologies to enhance her portfolio and stay ahead of the curve. She is looking for new opportunities to collaborate with other professionals and help businesses grow their online presence and reach their goals.